
Cliff Keen Flip Disc


Cliff Keen Referee Flip Disk - As Innovative as the Floppy Disk

Nobody likes watching a referee have to hold up a tiny disk to show who won the toss or have to watch them chase after a rolling disk like a cat after a mouse. And nobody likes to be that referee either, but Cliff Keen says you don’t have to be with their heavy-duty Referee Flip Disks. These are a large sized rubber disk that are the perfect officiating accessory. The rubber material allows them to easily stick flat to the mat while also being able to fit comfortably into the pants pocket while sitting or standing. The material also makes it easy to slide into and out of the pocket with zero fumbling. Their large size allows for no more confusion between coaches, refs, and fans, on who won the toss. Cliff Keen covered it all and even found a solution to the running away disk by creating an octagon shaped variety that is much less likely to roll away! Whether you are calling the shots in the NCAA Finals or your local peewee tournament the Cliff Keen Flip Disks will get the job done.